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Concession Stand
October 24, 2017

Walcott Basketball Tournament Concession Stand

Thursday, November 2nd and Saturday, November 4th


It's time to plan for our concession stand during the basketball tournament.  We will be back at Walcott this year, YAY!!!

We are asking each student to bring one 8-pack of 12 oz bottles of pop or Gatorade.  We hope by changing to bottles with lids, we will reduce some spills.  See below for the assigned drink for your exceptions!

Please, send all drinks to school by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2017.

  • Kindergarten - Coca-Cola
  • 1st Grade - Dr. Pepper
  • 2nd Grade - Diet Dr. Pepper
  • 3rd Grade - Diet Coke
  • 4th Grade - Gatorade
  • 5th Grade - Gatorade
  • 6th Grade - Gatorade


p.s. We will use any of the left over treats from the Halloween Carnival Cake Walk to sell for our homemade desserts.  Send individually wrapped items!  Brownies & rice-crispy treats are always a hit.  Also, watch the Walcott Wildcats FaceBook page for sign-ups to work at the concession stand!

If you have any questions, call or text Jackie at 674-7586 or Katy at 346-2612.  Thank you!

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