Check out our On-Line Learning Resource page for educational links to keep you kids engaged and feeding their brains.
There is a great link to free audible books - encourage your child to go check a book out and escape to somewhere new!
Walcott ISD Board of Trustees voted Thursday, April 25 to name Darla Bryant a lone finalist for the position of superintendent.
Trustees selected Darla Bryant to succeed Dr. Bill Mc Laughlin, who led the district from 1986 to November 2018 when passed away in March.
Bryant has worked at Walcott ISD since 1990. She is currently the 6th grade teacher and was Principal until accepting the role of Interim Superintendent in November.
Bryant received her bachelor’s from Texas Tech University and master’s from West Texas A & M University.
Per state law, the district’s board of trustees must wait 21 days before finalizing the selection.
We got a new sign donated to us courtesy of Top of Texas Millwrights.
DEAF SMITH COUNTY, Texas (KVII) — The Texas Education Agency (TEA) recently announced that Walcott ISD is one of 26 Texas public schools nominated for 2018 Blue Ribbon Schools recognition. Walcott Elementary is one of eleven schools nominated in the Exemplary-High Performing Schools category.
“The reason we do so well is we have a small school atmosphere,” said Darla Bryant, principal/sixth grade teacher. “We have about 15 to 18 students per classroom and we only have one grade per class.”
Superintendent Bill Sam McLaughlin tells ABC 7 News one reason why the district is nominated and has won national recognition in the past is due to the academic freedom he affords the teachers.
“I don’t go in and tell them how to teach,” said Bill Sam McLaughlin, Walcott ISD Superintendent. “They know they’re all better teachers than I ever was.”
“If they come out here and visit the school the parents see that were a one hall school,” said Bryant. “Kids come here and there not going to get lost in the hallways and bathrooms. I think parents appreciate that and want that for their children.”
In May of 2017, voters passed a $1,150,000 bond allowing the district to expand the campus. Plans are to add four new classrooms and the expand the current library.
“We’re able to keep going because people keep choosing this school,” said McLaughlin.
Winning academic honors is something the staff takes great pride in. In 2004, Walcott ISD was recognized and honored by the U.S. Department of Education. McLaughlin insists all teachers drive school buses before and after school to transport students and there are no meetings in between bells. Teachers have meetings in the summer months.
“The teacher-pupil time together is the most important thing,” said McLaughlin.
“That’s very important so many people are pulled out of the classrooms for meetings,” said Jobie Berend, teacher. “That takes away from classroom time. We get to spend more time teaching.
The campus was built in 1950 and has a current enrollment of 125 in Pre-K through sixth grade. The new expansion also features a tornado shelter providing more safety for students and staff during severe weather. Each nominated school has an economically disadvantaged population of 39 percent or higher. The rate at Walcott ISD is 67 percent according to a Rewards School Case Study Report, done in 2015/16 by the TEA and Texas Comprehensive Center.
TEA News Releases Online | Jan. 17, 2018 |
AUSTIN – The Texas Education Agency today announced the nomination of 26 Texas public schools for national 2018 Blue Ribbon Schools recognition.
Founded in 1982, Blue Ribbon Schools is a U.S. Department of Education program that recognizes public and private elementary, middle and high schools where students perform at very high levels or where exemplary progress has been made toward closing achievement gaps among subpopulations while maintaining high achievement levels among all students. The nominated schools in Texas (by district or charter) for 2018 include:
Exemplary High-Performing Schools
Exemplary Achievement-Gap-Closing Schools
Each nominated school has an economically disadvantaged population of 39 percent or greater.
The nominated schools must now complete a rigorous application process through the U.S. Department of Education. Announcements of the national award winners will be made in September 2018. Schools that receive the award are recognized at the Blue Ribbon Schools awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
To learn more about the national Blue Ribbon program, visit
Our Adventures at Palo Duro Canyon
The start of our adventure began on a fun bus ride down the winding road to
Palo Duro Canyon. When we got there we went to the amphitheater. We met these two nice actresses from the show, “Texas.” They taught us a line dance. Everyone thought it was fun and at the end of the dance, we all said, “Yee Haw,” and you could hear it echo throughout the canyon walls. The girls taught us lines from the “Sadie and Duke” love story. They chose a girl and a boy to act it out. Next we walked through a secret tunnel that runs along the back of the stage. This tunnel, which is called the “Dipping Vat”, is how the cast members get from one side of the stage to the other. It was so dark in there, you couldn’t see a thing! Next we learned about a man that rode his horse across the top of the canyon with a Texas flag. They said that at the end of the show, horses and other animals come on stage and a loud bang from a lightening bolt makes a fake tree bursts into flames.
Everyone had a great time touring the outdoor theatre. It was so much fun and we can’t wait to learn more about the “Texas” show and its amazing dances.
Sonell VanWyk
Megan Johnson
5th Grade
Walcott Basketball Tournament Concession Stand
Thursday, November 2nd and Saturday, November 4th
It's time to plan for our concession stand during the basketball tournament. We will be back at Walcott this year, YAY!!!
We are asking each student to bring one 8-pack of 12 oz bottles of pop or Gatorade. We hope by changing to bottles with lids, we will reduce some spills. See below for the assigned drink for your exceptions!
Please, send all drinks to school by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2017.
p.s. We will use any of the left over treats from the Halloween Carnival Cake Walk to sell for our homemade desserts. Send individually wrapped items! Brownies & rice-crispy treats are always a hit. Also, watch the Walcott Wildcats FaceBook page for sign-ups to work at the concession stand!
If you have any questions, call or text Jackie at 674-7586 or Katy at 346-2612. Thank you!
The Walcott PTO is hosting a Coke Float party for students who participated in the Fundraising Letter.
Thursday, October 26 at 2:00
P.S. It's not too late to donate!!